Four L-shaped corner volumes (4 x Elli) mark the block perimeter and use the maximum possible building heights. These corner volumes are connected by lower building elements that open up the block towards the park and track, and enhances open spaces. The quality of living is distributed as much as possible throughout the block, not only towards the park. Living with a view! The proposed strategy will enhance the view of the ‘second row’ and courtyard facing apartments. The facade greening is planned using climbing aids in different intensities. A particularly dense green facade is planned on the north side, along the railway, in combination with the arcades. The functional design of free space follows an onion principle; the public areas are arranged in the center of the courtyard and the green areas with hedges and shrubs create a buffer to the private gardens.



CLIENT /  Bauwerk NLG GmbH
TYPOLOGY / Housing
WORKSTAGES / Competition
PROJECT TEAM / M.Belz. J.Brandhuber, M.Chisté, V.Gaion, S.Miguel, R.Mihelko
MODEL / MATTWEISS Architekturmodellbau


1st Place