For several years we have accompanied the municipality in the development of on a holistic strategic approach to strengthen the village centre, followed up by detailed planning in order to improve the most relevant public spaces, rethinking the parking and prioritizing pedestrian and car-free spaces. By implementing innumerable smaller and larger interventions, the centre has become even more liveable and lovable. Besides improving the living quality for the residents, the process managed to reduce vacancy and attract the centre new services, and encouraged as well as improvements and investments by private initiatives, as well as a slightly increase the residents’ population. Particular attention was given to the re-use of available resources, for example the existing plastering of the square or the plants containers, that were transformed into multifunctional urban furniture.
CLIENT / Municipality Griffen
TYPOLOGY / Participative -, Urban planning
AREA/CAPACITY / 75.000 m² / Various, Town center
WORKSTAGES / Site visualization, Analysis, Vacancy strategies, Participation process,
Exterior design, Planning, Guidance system, Exhibition stalactite cave
CONSULTANT / Lena Uedl-Kerschbaumer / lenaplant, Georg Lippitsch / Zinc Studio, Arch. Klingbacher
PHOTO CREDITS / Mario Snobe, Lena Uedl-Kerschbaumer, Erich Angermann