The EU Summit in Salzburg was held in two locations in Salzburg, the Mozarteum University und the Festspielhaus theater. The working dinner for the 28 heads of state took place in the Felsenreitschule. An elegant and modern scenery was created in the large festival hall by reusing the highly reflective metal floor of the last performance – the opera Salome by Richard Strauss. A monochrome carpet and a circular table with a crystal chandelier against 96 stone arches as backdrop façade completed the scenery. The spaces of the Mozarteum University were reorganized to host journalists and delegates including working spaces, briefing rooms, and press conference studios with all their adjacent facilities. The event fulfilled the Austrian Ecolabel’s criteria for Green Meetings.
CLIENT / Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria
TYPOLOGY / university and theater
WORKSTAGES / All planning stages
PROJECT PARTNER / Schwendt – Posch
PROJECT TEAM / M. Chisté, S. Ballestin
PHOTOS / M. Gruber, A, Melicharek, A. Wenzel, M. Votava, T. Lettner