New construction of a nursing home with day care in Wertheim – Baden-Württemberg with 90 inpatient care places, a day care center with 12 places and a catering kitchen. The building is open to the community with a café and a multifunctional room on the ground floor. Office spaces, a canteen kitchen and a day care center are located on the northern side facing the street while the inpatient care groups are on the upper floors (two groups of 15 per floor). The individual rooms are arranged along the outer facade. Two atriums provide sufficient daylight through the large windows for the common rooms and corridors. The spacious therapy garden completes the concept of the project with its unique circular shapes contributing the feeling of harmony, simplicity and belonging.


CLIENT / Diakoniezentrum Wertheim gGmbH
TYPOLOGY / nursing home
WORKSTAGES / spatial coordination, technical design, artistic supervision

PROJECT PARTNER / GSP Gesellschaft für Soziales Planen, Stuttgart
PROJECT TEAM / M. Chisté, R. Mihelko
CONSULTANT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: TeamTragwerk, M&E: PBS Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, HLS: Herrenbauer & Kurz GmbH, FIRE PREVENTION: BW Immo Brandschutz GmbH, BUILDING PHYSICS: GN Bauphysik Finkenberger

CONSTRUCTION COMPANY / Fritz Gauer Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co. KG
PHOTO CREDITS / Peter Frischmuth / argus